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Why ME ?


While technological advances have spurred software development, it’s the subscription model favoured by many organizations, which has transformed it into a thriving industry. We charge a subscription for Workforce Management System, which is delivered and stored within the cloud. The subscription business model helps companies reach profitability over time with our must continually provide value

On Premise

There are plenty of good reasons to push the enterprise infrastructure model onto the cloud. It is cheaper, more flexible, and is becoming increasingly more secure and reliable as both hardware and software architectures evolve.


But sometimes there are also requirement to maintain a certain amount of on-premises infrastructure as well, and as time goes by, the deployment and management of that infrastructure will become vastly less complicated and expensive than what you find in today’s bloated data center.


The Mobile Application runs on IOS and Andriod platform. Virtualize, accelerate, and transform your business with mobile apps that help you redefine your employee relationships, cut costs, and improve productivity.

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Merit Entrepreneur Limited

Unit A, 15/F, The Globe, 79 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon Hong Kong.

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